We have answers.


Bar-le-Duc Lemon Mineral Water is a sparkling mineral water with lemon or peach extract, which contains no sugar or calories, making it ideal for dieters.


The law requires us to put an expiry date on every package. Such an expiry date means that the manufacturer must guarantee that the product will not change in appearance, smell or taste before this date. After the THT date, our water is still good to drink, so you do not have to throw everything away immediately after the expiration date

The Bar-le-Duc Natural Mineral Water packaging is made up of several materials: cardboard, polyethylene (PE) and aluminium foil. These materials together make up the packaging. This packaging is made up of several layers: PE, cardboard, PE, aluminium foil and another layer of PE. The PE inner layer prevents the water from coming into contact with the aluminium foil. This type of packaging is used for all kinds of products, such as fruit juices and some dairy products. Of course, the packaging material complies with all the standards that apply to the packaging of food and, in particular, mineral water.

After opening, the water is good for another week, if stored cool.

In response to your request, we can confirm that all Bar-le-Duc packaging is free from both bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates, and of course complies with all standards applicable to the packaging of food and mineral water.

Composition of water

Natural mineral waters, such as Bar-le-Duc, naturally contain various minerals. The abbreviations on the packaging represent these minerals, expressed in milligrams per litre of water.

  • Ca: Calcium
  • Mg: Magnesium
  • Na: Sodium
  • K: Potassium
  • F: Fluoride
  • Cl: Chloride
  • SO4: Sulfate
  • HCO3: Hydrogen Carbonate
  • NO3: Nitrate

The dry remainder of the Bar-le-Duc water is 230 mg/l

Bar-le-Duc water does not contain any contaminants such as oestrogen. Bar-le-Duc is a pure mineral water, created by the rain that fell on the Utrecht Hill Ridge some 1200 years ago. The water, which has slowly filtered through layers of sand to a depth of around 150m and fallen under a thick layer of clay, is protected from such contamination. This water is bottled directly at the source in our factory. To ensure our high quality, the water is regularly tested by an external laboratory in addition to our own quality laboratory


Bar-le-Duc natural mineral water is a weak mineral water. Mineral water, as the name suggests, is water with minerals. These minerals are naturally present in the water. Fluoride is a trace mineral, a mineral that the body needs very little of. This mineral is also often found naturally in water. The maximum legal concentration of fluoride in water (tap water) is set at 1.5 mg/L. With less than 0.1 mg/L (exact value 0.04 mg/L), the water of Bar-le-Duc is low in fluoride.

Iodine can exist in 3 forms. Analytical measurements of 2 of the forms of iodine are possible, iodine and iodine. The minimum detection limit for the anions of Iodine or Iodine is 0.50 mg/L. Both Iodine and Iodine could not be detected in the water, which means that the value is at least <0.50 mg/L.


Chloride is one of the minerals naturally present in Bar-le-Duc water. Bar-le-Duc mineral water contains 10.3 mg of chloride/litre. For the sake of completeness, the full mineral composition is given below: Calcium: 54 mg/l Magnesium: 3.7 Sodium: 10.7 Potassium: 0.7 Fluoride: <0.1 Chloride: 10.6 Sulphate: <2 Hydrocarbonate: 185 Nitrate: <1 Dry residue (180°C): 230 pH: 7.5

Quality of water

At our factory, the water flows through stainless steel pipes to the bottling line, where it is immediately bottled. There is almost constant production, so it is not possible for the water to sit in the pipes for long. The pipes and sand filter are also emptied and checked regularly. To ensure our high quality, the water is regularly tested by an external laboratory in addition to our own quality laboratory.


Bar-le-Duc water is naturally low in sodium, which makes it ideal for making baby food.

The water can be frozen and will retain its quality, but
the packaging is not designed for this. When it defrosts, there is a risk that the suit will lose its strength and leak.

Bar-le-Duc water can also be heated in a pan or kettle.

Frequently asked questions

Bar-le-Duc is a pure mineral water, created by the rain that fell on the Utrecht Hill Ridge some 1200 years ago. At that time there was no air pollution. The water, which is now protected by many layers of clay at a depth of about 150 metres, is bottled directly from the source.

Mineral water as it is at the source can only undergo a limited number of operations before it can be marketed as natural mineral water.
Broadly speaking, nothing can be added to the water (except carbon dioxide) and substances such as iron and manganese can only be removed by aeration and filtration. These substances give the water an unwanted taste and colour.
We apply this to the Bar-le-Duc water: first the water is aerated with sterile air. This converts the manganese and iron in the water into manganese oxide and iron oxide. These substances are then separated by filtering the water. After this treatment, the water is ready for bottling.

Spring water and mineral water both come from natural springs. The difference between natural mineral water and spring water is that natural mineral water has to be bottled at the source and spring water does not. Bar-le-Duc is bottled at the source and is therefore a mineral water.

Bar-le-Duc is pure mineral water, created by the rain that fell on the Utrecht Hill Ridge about 1,200 years ago. The water slowly trickled down through two layers of clay to a depth of about 150 metres. On its way through the clay layers, the water was purified by the many layers of earth and the water absorbed the minerals. This water is then bottled directly from the source.

As the name suggests, mineral water is water that contains minerals. Based on the presence of these minerals, such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, etc., each mineral water has its own taste and character. These minerals are essential building blocks for the body, which cannot produce them itself. A greater amount of minerals generally indicates a greater age and/or a greater journey the water has taken. Spa has significantly less minerals than Bar-le-Duc and therefore falls under the category of 'very low mineralised', which has a maximum of 50 mg/l of mineral salts. Bar-le-Duc falls into the 'weakly mineralised' category with a maximum of 500 mg/l, like most mineral waters in Europe.

Bar-le-Duc is a pure mineral water, formed by the rain that fell on the Utrecht Hill Ridge some 1,200 years ago. The water has slowly seeped into the ground to a depth of about 150m, where it is protected by a thick layer of clay. Along the way, the many layers of earth have purified the water and absorbed its minerals. This water is then bottled directly from the spring.

The main difference between tap water and mineral water is the constant composition of mineral water. Tap water, on the other hand, can change its composition all the time due to the alternating use of surface water and spring water.

Tap water may have undergone all sorts of treatments, such as chlorine or ozone treatment, carbon filtration, etc. This is not allowed for mineral water! Mineral water must not! Natural mineral water does not contain any additives and has not undergone any treatment such as filtering, chlorination, ozonisation.

The water from the Bar-le-Duc springs fell as rain hundreds of years ago and has therefore absorbed some minerals on its way to the source. The mineral water is constantly checked for its original composition, as it was when the source was discovered.

For some time now, our Bar-le-Duc packaging has been fitted with new caps that remain attached to the packaging, called the tethered cap.
All to reduce plastic waste.

All to comply with new legislation.

It is not intended to be removed from the packaging. This can cause the packaging to leak. If you leave the cap on, this will not happen.

At Bar-le-Duc, we are working hard on sustainability. For example, since 2025, our PET bottles have been made from 100% recycled material. We are also trying to make our factory as sustainable as possible. Our entire roof is covered with solar panels and the spring is directly above the factory, making the process much more efficient. We are also continuing to work with the Landscape Heritage Foundation on landscape conservation.

Bar-le-Duc is a pure mineral water, created by the rain that fell on the Utrecht Hill Ridge some 1200 years ago. The water has slowly seeped into the ground to a depth of about 150m, where it is protected by a thick layer of clay. Along the way, the many layers of earth have purified the water and the water has absorbed the minerals. This water is then bottled directly from the spring


Advice for adults and children aged 14 and over is to drink between 1.5 and 2 litres a day.

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We have created a special page for this, where you can see exactly where our products are sold!

We try to find the most sustainable solution for each type of packaging we use. For example, our PET bottles are made from 100% recycled PET. The cardboard in our packs is made from 100% FSC-certified cardboard, and our glass bottles have the advantage that glass can be recycled indefinitely, so emissions are kept to a minimum.

We regularly have our water tested for all kinds of harmful substances, including PFAS. We can guarantee there are no PFAS in our water!

We also test our products for the presence of so-called microplastics in the water, which we have not yet detected in our products.

You certainly can! Bar-le-Duc products contain no allergens.

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